Terms of use

Last Updated: 03 October 2023

Welcome to our website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"). Before proceeding, please ensure you meet the legal age requirement according to the laws of your country of residence. If you are not of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages where you reside or if access to this Website is prohibited in your location, kindly exit the Website.

By accessing and using this Website, you signify your acceptance of and commitment to abide by the terms outlined in the Website Terms and Conditions Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms, we kindly request that you close the Website.

LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANY “LVN LIMITED” (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") reserves the right tomodify these Terms of Use at any time by publishing an updated Agreement on theTerms and Conditions of Website Use. You can determine when these Terms of Usewere last revised by checking the "LAST UPDATE" date displayed at thetop of this page.

Agreement on the terms and conditions of Website use: http://www.lex.vodka

Limited LiabilityCompany "LVN LIMITED" (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) presents this Agreement, which outlines the procedures for using lex.vodka (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") and the terms governing the utilization of materials posted on the Website.


Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This Agreement constitutes a contract of adhesion as defined by Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, applicable to an indefinite number of individuals using theWebsite. Usage of the Website is only authorized for Users who accept all terms within this Agreement and other regulations outlined on the Website.

1.2. The Agreement is standardized and unalterable for all users, with acceptance confirmed through Website use.

1.3. If you disagree with any part of the Agreement, are under 18 years of age, or do not meet the legal drinking or adult age as per your country's laws, please exit the Website.

1.4. The Agreement governs the terms of Website use and may be modified by the Company without prior notice.


General Terms of Website Use

2.1. The Company owns and operates the Website. Materials published on the Website are intended for personal, non-commercial use by Users. Website content, including but not limited to trademarks, designs, logos, text, photographs, images, illustrations, audio, and video materials (referred to as "materials"or "content"), constitutes intellectual property protected by copyright and is owned or controlled by the Company or its affiliates, unless otherwise specified in writing. All rights are reserved.

2.2. Website content is protected by copyright under Ukrainian law and international copyright law. Users are not permitted to modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale, reproduce, create derivative works, distribute, perform, or utilize Website content (including software) in whole or in part.

2.3. Names, trademarks, and other elements belonging to the Company or third parties are subject to copyright protection. This Agreement does not grant any permission, license, or right to use trademarks, patents, design rights, or copyrights owned by the Copyright Holder or third parties, whether implied, by estoppel, or otherwise.

2.4. Copying or storing Website content for purposes other than personal use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Copyright Holder.


Website Use Terms and Company Rights

3.1. Users of theWebsite are required to respect the law, as well as the rights and dignity of others. When using the Website, Users agree to comply with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations.

3.2.1. The Company reserves the right to add, modify, delete, or supplement Website materials and structure, or to close the Website (or a specific service or section of theWebsite) at any time without prior notice to Users. In such cases, the Company shall not be liable for the termination of access to its Website resources.

3.2.2. The Company may transfer messages to other sections if, in its judgment, they pertain to the relevant topic.

3.2.3. The Company has the discretion to block links to the Website at any time and through various means without prior notice.


User Obligations

4.1. Users must refrain from using Website materials in a manner that disrupts its normal operation.

4.2. Users shall not employ automated programs for interacting with the Website and its services.

4.3. The Website must not be used for fraudulent or illegal purposes.

4.4. Users are prohibited from utilizing the Website to infringe upon the legal rights of others, including the right to privacy or advertising, or to collect information about other Website users.

4.5. Impersonation of any person or organization, including Company representatives, or making false claims of affiliation with any individual or entity in connection with the Website, is strictly prohibited. Users must not suggest or imply Companyendorsement of any statements.

4.6. Users shall not disrupt or interfere with the Website's operation, servers, or networks used for its functionality, nor violate the requirements, procedures, rules, or regulations governing these networks.

4.7. Users must not hinder or prohibit others from using the Website, including through hacking or disabling any part of the Website.

4.8. Reproduction, duplication, copying, sale, resale, linking, or exploitation of any part of theWebsite for commercial purposes is prohibited.

4.9. Modification, adaptation, translation, reverse engineering, decompilation, or disassembly of any part of the Website (except as permitted by applicable law) is prohibited.

4.10. Removal of any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notice from the Website orWebsite-originating materials is strictly forbidden.

4.11. Copying any part of the Website, in part or in whole, is not allowed.

4.12. Users shall not create databases by downloading and storing Website content.

4.13. Utilizing robots, spiders, search/download programs, or other manual or automatic devices to retrieve, index, hijack, extract, or gather Website content or to reproduce or circumvent the Website's navigation structure or presentation is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Company.

4.14. Users knowledge and agree that they are responsible for obtaining and providing all telecommunication equipment, broadband equipment, computer equipment, and services necessary for accessing and using the Website, including covering all associated costs.


Links to the Website from other Websites

5.1. Unless explicitly stated by the Company on the Website, the Company is not affiliated with or associated with operators of third-party websites linked to or contained within this Website.

5.2. The Company disclaims liability for the accuracy, content, or availability of information on third-party websites linked to this Website or linked from this Website.

5.3. Users knowledge that they use third-party websites, resources, and any content, information, data, advertising, products, services, or other materials from these websites and resources at their own risk and in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to such websites and resources.

5.4. The Company reserves the right to block links to the Website at any time and at its sole discretion, using technological or other means, without prior notice.


Disclaimer of Liability

6.1. While theCompany strives to ensure the accuracy of information on the Website, it doesnot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of Website materials. The Companymay make changes to materials posted on the Website or to the products andinformation described therein at any time without notice. Materials on theWebsite may become outdated, and the Company does not commit to updating them.

6.2. Users utilizethe Website at their own risk. Users are responsible for any damage incurred totheir computer or data. The Company disclaims all responsibility, including forthe Website's alignment with User objectives and purposes.

6.3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages (direct, indirect, consequential, incidental), penalties, costs, losses, or obligations arising from User access to the Website, its use, or inability to use it, or changes to materials posted on the Website.

6.4. Users waive any claims that may arise due to Website use or access, relinquishing claims against both the Company and third parties related to the Company, including but not limited to official representatives, executive bodies, employees, and those involved in creating and maintaining the Website.


Governing Law

7.1. The terms and conditions of Website use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

7.2. If anyWebsite materials or use of the Website by a User contradicts the legislation of the User's location, the Website is not intended for them, and the Company requests that they cease Website usage.

7.3. Users are responsible for independently obtaining information about the legal provisions applicable in their jurisdiction and for adhering to them.


Contact us

If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Terms of Use, please do not hesitate to contact us at:: info@nemiroff.pro